Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Toasty Warm

This evening rain is pouring and thunder roaring as I type. Here in dry thirsty southern California, this is a serious treat.

We've cancelled our evening out, so we can stay inside to enjoy the warmth within this home. A pot of tea, a fragrant candle, and flames in the fireplace set a mood and smooth and sooth the rough edges of a day.

Watching the evening news, though, is less than comforting with these reports -- French authorities are threatening to raise the age of retirement. British officials are cutting jobs, and more and more Americans are losing their homes. This is all very sad.

Closer to home, about half of my college students arrived in class today without the one practice paragraph that they were assigned a week ago. That paragraph is one of five that they will need to be ready to write when they arrive for next week's in-class essay. They have an essay to prepare for and they can't won't even write one of the main paragraphs. Sheeesh.

One student followed me to the Writing Center after class. He wrote two of the paragraphs he'll need to know for next week. Then he read them to me. Serious revision was needed. All of a sudden he realized the focused attention he must pay in order to be ready for next week's assignment. They have one week to prepare -- do you think they'll be ready?

Anybody want a cup of tea?

Good night from a wet Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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