
By shaachan

Mongolia Day 1: Whose Child Is This?

First day in Mongolia, in the middle of a school week, and it's about 10 degrees celcius out. In Singapore it would have been about 30? Lol.
Anyway, we had reached Mongolia's airport at 8,9 AM in the morning (took a midnight flight @.@), and without rest we headed straight down to...
MUSEUMS! Like, wth man. One was a museum-building with six stories, and each storey had three showcase chambers. Then the second one was about 20 acres wide!
SO ANYWAY. Who is this lil boy? Well, I don't know, but I assume it's the lady's, the one who was peddling her street goods. I should have taken his bum; the clothing had a hole at the anus for them to shit without stripping!
Ain't he adorableeeee?

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