Do you mind mummy!

Don't normally blip full nude shots,
but this was too cute, plus not really used camera today!

Tomorrow there may not be a fernie blip,
Fernie has gone to her grandparents for 2 nights,
never have I been away from her for more then 9 hours,
she left tonight at 645 and we won't see her till sometime friday!
I am a wreck and missing her, buttttttttttttttttttttttt....
this time tomorrow night,
Me and the hubby will be enjoying the gorgeous
John Barrowman!
Seats row d and c, yes we are sitting apart!!!
so very close to the front!
this is the second time we are seeing him,
the first, I was 6 months pregnant!
we were also very close to the stage then!
I am so looking forward to it, but being away from fernie is hard!!!
Need to keep myself busy so think I am going to annoy
the hubby to keep me occupied!!

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