
By rainie

Orange All sorts....

The days are drifting by unfortunately, only two more days in Townsville before we start our journey home on Saturday.

Took the Lensbaby for a very quick outing, this is a very very colourful tropical plant, there are various varieties here, all colours of the rainbow, some with spots, stripes and all on the one plant, nature is quiet amazing isn't it.

Its very wet today, the tropical rain season is about to start we have been told.

Another breakie out this morning then filled in some time before we picked up the boy, out for lunch, then took him to the surgeon for a check up on his handiwork. We are waiting for the call to go pick him up.

Spoke to daughter last night, her bloods confirmed plurasy....she said the pain is slightly less, has been on antibiotics for a couple of day now.

Catch up again


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