Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


A bit of a lazy day today...............apart from the phone call I got from my daughter.

She and her fiance had gone out to get some fuel before going shopping.

I got the call asking if I could bring the jump leads because the car had died at the roundabout.

I looked in the garage - couldn't see the leads...............I stopped off at thier house - no leads...............back to the garage - found them under a heap of woodshaving (note to self -- hang them up).

Arrived with the offspring and attached the leads...............no joy

I was then told that there may have been very little petrol in the tank.

Over to the garage at the other side of the roundabout whee a can and a gallon of fuel was purchased and then back to the car.

Emptied the can into the tank................no joy.

Recovery service contacted................be out within the hour.

So we sat and watched all the idiots driving up behind a car with the bonnet open and the hazard lights on and then wondering why it wasn't moving......I hate to say that all bar two were women. I hate to say it but it showed that observation and common sense were not the things shining through.

An hour and 5 minutes later the recovery van turned up...........turns out that 5 litres in the bottom of the tank when the car is on a slight downhill slop is not enough to reach the pipe ????????????????????

Boy is her fiance in trouble.

The picture is the landscaping and top of the 'sculpture' on the roundabout (taken on the wee compact that sits in the car for 'emergencies'

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