
By Tardy


Christmas is coming up, which means it's party season. Party season means shopping for party dresses! On this occasion it was my sister who was looking for a dress. Shopping with Elaine is always an experience, but done with a hangover makes it that little bit more interesting.

There are many questions that need to be answered tactfully but honestly. When a woman asks 'Does my bum look big in this' she's looking for an honest answer. Clothes do enhance and cover certain areas of a womans body. Certain curves need to enhanced while others need to be concealed. It something that only a good friend or sister can really help with, because honesty is vital.

Hangovers tend to make me a little more honest than is strictly necessary. Thankfully she forgave me plus she came out with a stunning party dress.

Next time I think we should leaving the shopping if we've been out the night before.

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