Nice Venue

I was up and out early this morning to get a machine so that I can convert cassette tapes to mp3 - which means more work but I will be able to get rid of more stuff by the end of it.

Then it was off to this venue where I bought tickets for a singer I last saw about 15 years ago.
I was also there to take head and shoulders pictures of about 20 kids in the youth theatre for their forthcoming production.
That was nice and quick and easy.

Last night in the Wooly Pullover and Tweed Cap at the Blipmeet I had said I was going to have to find more interesting things to complain commentate on................
Well the best I can do today is tell you that there is a bit of a fight building between a couple of us in the camera club commitee over incompitence on a couple of fronts and a breach of the Data Protection Act.
E-mails have been exchanged and it is building towards tripods at dawn.

Watch this space.

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