In Tru Life

By TruLife

Thursday - Madeleine in the Bath!

Another Madeleine blip featuring Madeleine in the bath with her sister, lots of bubbles, and some toys.

We had a lovely day today walking and lunching in The Botanics with a good friend and her daughter Sarah. It was really nice to catch up as always, and what with today, and yesterday having another good friend over for lunch with her little boy, and Monday having lunch with yet another good friend and her daughter and new baby, I've had a lovely week and am feeling befriended again! Yeah!

Floriana has another cold and as she hates having a blocked nose, has been waking up a lot but I've found a great way to get her back to sleep which isn't affecting her when her colds go away, so I'm back in control which is hard when you're shattered!

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