If You Could See Me Now


This time last year...

So I just went back and re-read two of my blips from this time last year...

I was more poetic then, than I am now...

I guess art does come from bad situations - a way of expressing myself I guess.

This year I am A LOT happier :)

Stressed out of my mind - but i'm ok with that.

So this time last year was much the same as this year...

Photography finals were the only thing, really, on my mind.

Getting CPIT applications in.. we got the forms for next year... Hello interviewing panel at some stage... DEAR LORD!

But a lot of things are different...

The biggest change is probably Nick. The best change.

And for once I really don't want the end of year to come.

The first person I met at tech isn't coming back next year, and I am gonna miss her so much! She has made some of the most stressful situations the best with her incredibly infectious laugh.

It's a weird feeling...

It's like you're losing part of your family...

As crazy as it seems it feels like I've known most of these people more than 9 months... And we haven't all been talking for that long...

Only now do we all really talk and I am going to miss that.

People say that high school years are the best...

They lied.

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