Christ what a night.

Had to rush Tracey into hospital late last night as she was having difficulty breathing.

She has had a bad cold now for about 10 days but it took a decided turn for the worse last night.

Thankfully we didn't have to wait too long with the wallopers who were sitting doused in blood from the various drink related skirmishes that constitute a great night oot.

After all of the blood tests, ECGs, blood pressure, temerature, steriods, anti biotics, drips, chest x rays, nebulisers and even a machine that went ping what was feared to be pneumonia looks like it is thankfully a nasty chest infection. Still bad enough for her to be kept in hospital for a few deys at least.

The bugger is that we were due to go to Fwawmingloland as Tom calls it for a few days next week but now it looks like I will be donning the nurses uniform instead to look after Tracey. Grandma and Grandad have stepped up to the bar and are still taking Tom and Alice. Grand parents are fantastic aren't they.

So my humblest appologies but all you are getting today is a shot of the choppy waters of the Tyne shot from the High Level Bridge.

Onwards and upwards and see you in a week.

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