Every Day Girl

By Dearlyblue

We Are Not Amused

Poor Finn, he cut his paw on glass whilst out for a walk. Some idiot thought it would be a good idea to smash a bottle in the woods. The worst kind of litter lout. Raging!

Anyway we had a trip to the vet this morning and he had the wound stapled. Fortunately the vet asked me to come back for him rather than stay for the procedure, I think I would've been sick and cried if I'd stayed.

So Finn is lying on his bed beside the radiator feeling very sorry for himself with his big bandaged paw. No walks for a fortnight, he'll be climbing the walls.

The wee pal, he's getting lots of treats and cuddles and in between he's dreaming about the days when he could run free in the woods without the worry of hurting himself because some selfish wee a*** smashed a bottle.

Rant over. And breathe.

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