Not In Kansas Anymore

By Pottery2008

Day 1 at the Big Tile Factory

We arrived at the big tile factory this morning around 9 AM and worked until noon. I spent most of the morning sketching out my tile with a pencil. It's a green tile; therefore it is very easy to fix any mistakes with a damp sponge or razor blade.
On our way back to school we decided to walk down the street, rather than back the way we came. We walked, and walked, and walked thinking that eventually we would come upon on the main road again. We finally gave up and luckily found 2 motorcycle taxis to bring us back to school, but we were too late for lunch. We ate in food alley and then Jason had to get back for critique at the school. After critique we took a taxi back to the tile factory and worked until about 7 this evening.
There were about 6 or 7 Chinese men at the factory painting as well. I felt a little silly painting my little blue lines on my giant tile while they painted beautiful lines on there even larger tiles. Everyone was doing something different. It's not really a factory in the sense that we think of a factory in the US. It's a place where they make tiles in all different shapes and sizes, then people come in and paint or carve the tiles, and the factory glazes and fires them.
We are headed back in the morning to continue the process!

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