A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

Land leading to Vriskaig Point on the left.

Another dull damp day but not actually raining. Went for a cycle ride this afternoon but didn't take my camera. Later I went out in the van to see what I could find.
The view across Loch Portree caught my eye so I turned around and headed back to see the view again. I stopped; the light was very poor so I used a B&B sign to support the camera. I took about 7 images. Just as well because I binned 5. All out of focus. This is the best.
The foreground land is a point of land that leads to Vriskaig point on the left. Loch Portree is on this side and Camus Ban is on the other.
For those of you who are interested Camus Ban literally means the 'White Bay or Beach'.
The hill beyond is Ben Tianavaig.
As you can see the cloud cover today is quite low. However I thoroughly enjoyed my cycle ride.

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