Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon

ho hum...

here we go again.

So fed up for poor Alfie, went to bed really early with v little tea and woke up mid evening with a temperature. He was then up for most of the night with a very high temp. Went up to 103. As Stuart was working he decamped to Alfies room and I spent the night awake with a v hot cuddly little boy.

Most of the day asleep in bed, v light easily disturbed sleep so I could get nothing done. All I did was worry and feel a bit lost and lonely, not really able to do anything for him other calpol him. He then woke up this afternoon with a glorious smile and has steadily improved form there. Small chilren are like little rubber balls in hte way they bounce back. Only sign of how poorly he was is massive dark circles under his eyes (and mine!). Mind you can see the bouncy recovery in this!

I refound my flash unit for the Pen and had a play (at Alfies command) this evening. This is as it was taken, no tweeks just to see what it would be like.

And Happy 40th Brithday Kiss as Alfie calls Chris!

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