Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

The story of the broken mug

Trying to relax on a Saturday ...

Woke up late, had breakfast and then went to the market for some shopping and a visit to the tailor.

Came back a while ago. My father asked me to make lemonade for him and give it to him in his favorite big glass mug. I squeezed lemons (picked from the lawn), added water, brown sugar, salt and ice and blended it. As soon as I poured the lemonade in the mug, it just burst into two pieces ... and the lemonade came pouring on my shirt and on my feet. I just stood there stunned as to what had happened and I still cannot figure out as to how such a sturdy mug could have just snapped into two.

Today, I had intended to write the next episode of My Moments, but this incident was worth recording, so My Moments will have to wait.

I am now going to spend the rest of the day relaxing and reading Eat Pray Love and we have to visit some friends.

Have a great weekend everyone ... don't break any mugs :)

P.S. took this image from my brother's P&S LUMIX. Other than a very high ISO, I love the results of this camera.

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