
By Amalarian


I was up before dawn this morning watching videos on the internent. How to do water droplet pictures. How to do smoke pictures. How to do mirror box pictures. "So that's how it's done," I kept muttering to myself. I discovered I need a separate flash and something to synchronize it with the camera flash. I got a bit lost right there. I am not one for lots of equipment and am a born point-and-shooter. But it's a terrific site. Just google Gavin Hoey and discover all. It's all good stuff for a rainy day, which this is.

So I went out and photographed a flower in the rain, instead. It is in a pot, leaning against a window. The one I've used was taken from the inside looking out and it is not in black and white. It just looks that way.

Himself preferred one taken on the outside and as usual, I was torn with conflict. This is his choice: Outside looking in. I think I'll spend the rest of the afternoon watching those videos again. Unfortunately, there wasn't one on choosing the best picture, nor on how to acquire self-confidence.

Hysterical laughter here. I think we were both wrong. I was trashing today's efforts when I came across this one. Mood of the day.

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