Joe's Blips

By joesblips


The big day has dawned at last and we fly out of Dublin in a few hours, bound for Barcelona, a city which has been on our must visit list for years. Looking forward to a bit more warmth than we have here at the moment and also looking forward to all the aesthetic pleasures in store. The Picasso Museum and Gaudi's amazing buildings are firmly on the hit list along with a whole bunch of other interesting sights. I will be bringing the digital camera of course but have decided to bring a Canon film SLR as well for the snapshots. I expect to have loads of digital stuff to process when we get back, so the travel album shots can be delegated to the local D&P lab.

There is supposed to be Wi-Fi available in the apartment in which we will be staying. Assuming it actually works I will be blipping each day via a netbook I am bringing but my experience hasn't always been great with promises of Internet access so don't be surprised if you hear nothing for a week!

The parting shot is a simple Chrysanthemum, blipped in between packing bits and bobs this morning. Here's wishing you all well. Joe.

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