
By mandygf

sunset silhouette...

... not a good night.. wee man was up coughing most of it.... nneded a couple of matchsticks to keep my eyes open this morning & my cousin offered me a couple of staples.... said they'd do a better job... hmmm

went & did a bit of shopping when Stuart got back from work... left him on his own with the wee man for 5 hours..... haha.... I needed a break....

got some things done, not everything though... couldn't find tot sized 5 wellies.... who would think it'd be that hard... but did get him a halloween outfit... he has 4 parties lined up... such a busy wee man that he is... & he'll be going as a ghost... with strippy legs....... watch this space...

& yes got some Christmas shopping done too.... it is only 10 weeks, just thought I'd remind you all.....

oh yes this was the view when I was driving home from my shopping outing....

now to go & get some pudding... apple & strawberry pie with custard.... hmmm

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