
By Pix

No gimmicks

No gimmicks, birthdays or funerals today, so back to simple shots of this beautiful town that is my temporary home (Peel, Isle of Man). Today was the first time I got out earlyish to see the town in the light of the rising sun. The shadows cast make photography quite restricted, but you can get some angles that aren't possible in the setting sun. This is a view through the window of the ruined St Peter's church to the clock tower at the other end of the church, and a glimpse of Peel Hill in the background, and the ever-present blue sky. Just me, dog walkers, and another photographer were out. Should I confess that the other photographer found this shot before I did? No, I don't think so :S

Time for some updates on what has been happening the l ast few days...

The roof replacement is now progressing well, the back of the roof is stripped of its asbestos tiles, all safely double-bagged (as they say in Sainsburys), and stored in the back yard, which is also piled high with yummy new blue Welsh slates. With impending rain they decided not to strip the front and instead have begun slating the back. They should be back tomorrow to start the front (unless it looks like rain).

I went to the local photographic society meeting on Thursday night, a first for me. Two interesting talks from photographers in the club (holiday in Tuscany - must go there one day soon; and Lorne House, a mansion in Castletown, which in the past has been home to Governors of the Island).

Friday night I went to our local arts venue, the Centenary Centre, to see a production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. I hadn't bought a ticket in advance, but the centre is about 30 secs walk away from my house, so I jsut went along at the last minute (literally) hoping they had tickets left. They did. Lots! It is unfortunate that they can't manage to get a big audience for these things. If you want tickets for the Christmas panto however, that's another matter!

Right, better get on.....

Edit: some more I took this morning can be found here

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