All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


As we've been doing Kiss & Retreat with Ethan this week, we weren't sure how it would pan out with us staying somewhere different last night. Bedtime did not go well. Lots of screaming and tantrums and he didn't go to sleep till about 8.30pm - over an hour later than usual. However, he then slept...and slept...and slept...and woke up at 7.10am! Well done Ethan!

Hubbie has spent much of the day cleaning Granny's carpets which she's thrilled about! Granny, Grandpa & I went down to Castle Semple for a wander round the Loch and to see the swans. Ethan had a wee nap in his pushchair before waking up to discover I'd put his woolly hat on him while he was sleeping. He immediately pulled it off in disgust!

I used to go sailing on this loch when I was a teenager. So seeing so many boats out on the water today brought back lots of memories. On the left hand side of the photo you can see a folly on Kenmore Hill. When my sister and I were children, we used to call it "Sarah and Louises castle" and I still think of it as "our" castle to this day!

Have backblipped yesterday.

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