Mdme Shootsalot

By mdmeshootsalot

Captain Underpants Pumpkin Head

Most people with school aged kids have had that stomach dipping feeling at one point or another when it's late on Sunday night and you have forgotten that one of the children has to take in some project or other the next day. And you've all completely forgotten. Last night, I had that feeling not once but three times.

Firstly, we had forgotten that Tom needed to wear a costume to school this morning, and he was supposed to be going into school dressed as an early immigrant coming into the US into Ellis Island. Now, seeing as we are, I guess, immigrants ourselves, that would be easy. It wasn't.

Secondly, Ava had forgotten that she had to design a story book character onto a pumpkin. So, last night I was happily chopping up one of my red handbags to make a cape and Ava was digging out her favourite Captain Underpants book to go with it.

I hate school projects!!

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