Planko's Pics

By planko

Tayside House

Very uninspiring night blipping tonight, so i decided to take a blip of one of the most uninspiring buildings in Dundee!

As the dark nights draw in, I've decided that if i don't have anything in the bag, my emergency blips will be of buildings that are getting knocked down in Dundee, call it the Disappearing Dundee series or something.

This building is going to get knocked down next year, as are a lot of buildings on the waterfront, for a new regeneration programme (that's if funding doesn't get pulled).

The concept videos look quite good, so lets hope Dundee Council actually deliver the concept as well as they could...

Couldn't get as far back as i wanted to take a straight shot, so decided to take it at an angle, almost as if its halfway falling down. That's not too far from the truth, as they have clearly stopped maintenance on the building; lots of window panels are blown out.


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