Clark Tales

By cclark

The Wedding Fare

WOW what a fab fab night last night. Twas a shindig down in Coldstream to meet up with all the Wedding party. The best mate is getting hitched and Im the best man/woman.

Toni said Coldstream would be cheap but not even she anticipated how cheap! £1 a drink, £20 got three of us merrily merrily drunk, as yesterdays' blip may pay testament. The chief bridesmaid and I hit it off big style so Toni and Ali better watch out for the post hen/stag and pre wedding night out.

Brilliant lie in, and bacon butties a la Toni and Kath, then onto the wedding fare. Started out fine, we thought we'd avoided hangovers. The fashion show provided Toni and I many LOL moments and didn't take it too seriously, then we started being haunted by the night before's pub guests. The MP and the DJ, all who were there know! (still giggling from it) Then the hangover kicked in in time for late lunch with the footie!

So excited for the wedding, even if its a while off, but got some fab idea's, especially the actually cake of cheese! - and the chocolate bar favor/name plate!And the fashion show provided and opportunity to play with the camera when people are moving!

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