I don't know - I don't feel I'm having a lot of luck recently. The stars are not in my favour. Today, after having spent my lunchhour (and quite a bit more) visiting a sports therapist to have my bad neck and shoulders pummeled into shape, I came back to work and had to park my car at the end of the row as there were not any other spaces. I thought it was a bit risky at the time - it being a car park full of young drivers - but there wasn't a lot of choice.

Tonight, I came out of work and I couldn't quite believe my eyes. Had I forgotten to put the brake on when I parked it? Had I reversed a bit too much when putting it into the space? Turns out, a student had taken the corner a bit too tightly and had scraped his car down the side of mine, leaving quite a bit of debris (from his car, fortunately) in his wake.

Oh God, I thought, what the heck do I do now? Fortunately, some bystanders came across (and apparently there had been a lot of bystanders, all taking photos - they probably thought I was just very bad at parking!) and said that they'd noticed the offending car not very far away in the car park and sure enough, a large chunk was missing from his front wing. The culprit! Gone off without so much as a note! Howeve, I needn't have worried though - he pretty soon came back having got one of the caretakers to help him identify my car so he could get in touch with me. Anyway, we swapped details and he apologised profusely and was obviously very embarrassed about the whole thing - I even ended up feeling sorry for him!

Then I tried to move the car forward but I didn't much like the creaking sound coming from the back of the car which was jammed on the grass hump. I got a second opinion from the library manager (a bloke, so he must know about cars, right?) who investigated and decided I had no choice but to drive it carefully off. Which I did and it seemed to be ok.

I drove home and everything seemed to be ok. But then I went out for the evening and when I came back I noticed that there was a rather large pool of something running down the driveway where I had been parked earlier. Now, I don't know what this is. It doesn't smell very nice, but I don't think it's oil, and I don't think it's petrol. Not sure what else it is. And who knows, maybe my neighbour used my driveway for something while I was out? So what I've done, is park my car in the road on the flat overnight, and I'll have a look at it in the morning. Fingers crossed there's nothing there.

I can do without all this hassle.

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