Life of a toaster

By jivetoaster


Took a different route home today and sheltered from the rain for a bit at the Seaward Street underpass under the M8.

It's a fascinating spot: the viaduct is wide and sits about as low as possible, so there's a real sense of mass.
Also a sense of motion; the roundabout rarely gets choked up except at rush hour peak, and the entire junction was remodelled a few years back to include a loop, which allows traffic to exit the M8 eastbound and join the M77. So at times you get flows of traffic in 3 directions past each other.
Finally, there's also a sense of space: back when it was built there was a railhead down near the river at the docks, with numerous lines running north parallel to Seaward Street. This meant an underpass for the rail lines had to be included too which lies behind me in taking this panorama. The rail lines are long gone, of course, but the big open space remains. More on that strange area another time.

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