...wORds bE fEW

By tnahlyn

Leaf no one behind...

Woke up to the rain. It made me smile, I had no work today. I went right back to sleep in my cozy covers.

Worked on my projects, my girl was off today so we went to visit her dad, my hubby for lunch.

Stopped for a quick photo shoot. Got some great shots with the umbrella, but I wasn't ready to break my leaf-like tradition.

Ran to the store...still cloudy and cool out, we decided on pancakes for dinner. Yep, just got to do that sometimes!!!

Stuff to do still....back at it...I have tomorrow off too. Meeting with a friend who has a business, going to talk to her about what I could/should be doing. :)

Until then, comfort food and maybe some more rain!!!

the mini shoot!!!

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