Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Spotted Owls for Liberty Swing Silent Auction

See the owls on the diagonal?? Aren't they cute??

You can buy it at the Austin Liberty Swing Fundraiser & Silent Auction tomorrow night 10/26 at the Oasis from 6-10 pm and help make wheelchair accessible swings available to children with disabilities in Austin. Even if you can't go, you can donate at the website below!!

"Accessible swings should be viewed as an essential piece of playground equipment. The recreational and therapeutic benefits are countless and these swings are fundamental to the concept of inclusivity ? a moral by which we should all live.

Currently, children with disabilities, through no fault of their own, are being isolated from playgrounds and excluded from joining in with their peers. It is our goal to have Liberty Swings installed in Austin parks so that every child can experience this joy and build lasting childhood memories."

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