Sugar Magnolia

By cew

Yikes!! 3 pics taken.....all 3 rice and sausages!!!
Oh was pretty the rice!

Had pottery class this was great......I feel i'm improving which always makes it more fun:)

Had knitting class tonight. We all were just working on whatever projects we had going on.....but next week!!!.....we start socks....I'm really looking forward to stayiing on project and actually getting a pair done!! I'm so bad at socks:(
Louise (our Fearless Teacher) learned a tecnique this weekend at the CreativFestival where you knit both socks at inside the you knit one sock and purl the other.....she will be teaching us this once she knows it forward and backward....that should solve my problem of one-sock-itis!!

Also talked to my brother John for the first time since his operation.
He was so strong and happy and just like his old self.
He's a miracle:))

Life is GRAND:)

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