
By Fisherking

....the one that's cooking.............

Drove over to see Dad today. Weather was bloody awful, all 99.6 miles of it, door to door.

I came because it's been about 6 weeks since I last saw him and although we keep in touch by phone sometimes I need to visit just to make sure everything is alright.

As I pulled up on the drive it was obvious he wasn't here! Either that or his car had been pinched. Luckily I had remembered my keys so I let myself in, made coffee and he turned up about an hour later.

This afternoon I took him shopping for some shirts without buttons. that's the real reason for the visit. He's suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome which means it takes him a couple of hours every morning to fasten the buttons on his shirt so me and the Boss decided he needs some polo shirts so buttons are at a minimum.

Mission succesful, we managed to get a couple of shirts and some socks and underwear.

Tonight Dad made dinner.......steak, sausage, carrots, parsnips, peas and mashed potato....a bit of a mish-mash but here's the thing......he cooked it all himself. Ok, the mash was pre-prepared and so were the parsnips so they only needed to go in the oven, but he peppered the steak by himself and grilled it...and the sausage....and he peeled and boiled the carrot, and heated the peas....and it was all ready to eat at the same time!!!!! As he dished up he said"The steak's not burned it's just the pepper, and there's not much of it because all my portions are for one...and I'm not sure what type of sausage it is...., but I'm sure it'll be ok"

And he was right, it was delicious and well cooked, and hot.

But the real big thing's the first meal he's cooked for me since Mum died, usually when we visit I cook or the Boss does or we get take-away, but this is a sign that he's beginning to eat properly and learning to look after himself.

I'm so proud of him.

Das vidanya.

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