Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Old Friends

Orla seemed to go off In the Night Garden for a while, but she has been requesting it for the past few evenings. When I took her up to bed the other night she said "In The Night Garden good Mum". Speaking of bed, it is now an hour past normal bedtime and she's only just gone to sleep. I put her to bed but lost patience about 20 minutes ago (in my defence, I have been ill for the past 3 days) and her Dad took over. I would be worried that she's caught the lurgy if it weren't for the fact that she was hyper when I put the light out. She had a late sleep this afternoon which is the more likely explanation. Sometimes she just keels over and it is almost impossible to wake her, but then we have a pantomime at bedtime. There is absolutely no way that we could get her to sleep earlier on in the day though, so until she grows out of this we'll just have to grin and bear it. I suppose it could be (and to be honest, it has been) worse.

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