These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Beanie Babe!!

For Tyler's first Halloween, Grandma made him this "Mr. Bear" costume, which resembled his favorite stuffed animal at the time. In fact, Mr. Bear is still his favorite stuffed animal! We've had the costume in our dress up bin for years and finally, it gets pulled out again! My nephew (not sure which one) is all decked out as Mr. Bear and looking as handsome as ever!

Based on this picture, my guess is C... but it's a really tough call!

Tyler is dressed as the Man with the Yellow Hat this year.. and Mia is Curious George! They make quite the pair!

Had a fun day at home today, organizing art supplies downstairs, installing a pencil sharpener, and making paper bag puppets with our good friends! While the kids were at club this evening, Josh and I enjoyed a nice leisurely date night, strolling through Safeway for our weekly goods!

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