Not what you want to see on a cricket field at any time especially when the kid has only scored 2 runs!
I was excited by the amazing clarity from the distance that this lens can give. I know thats why you use one like it but it is still very delightful to see the results every time. I am getting better at getting the shot now after a few weeks of cricket again this season. It takes a bit of practice to get the timing and focus right. It looks amazing in large. Today I wasnt stressing about it and was sitting with the boys on the grass so was very pleased with the results despite the lack of attention. I didnt come away with a squinting eye headache either which is good for the bright Kiwi conditions. Beautiful day for cricket in our central city park.

I have blipped this photo, even though I have amazing photos which show the players faces and the ball, but this one tells a story without issues of the privacy of the child. this was an inter school match so this is my child and doesnt show any identifying features and no other players in the shot. Is something I am constantly aware of these days when out and about with the big lens. Luckily most parents are very happy to be sent emailed photos of their budding stars but I am aware that this may not always be the case.

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