how it is

By flashmaggie


I stopped feeding the birds for several weeks after an outbreak of trichomonosis killed some of the greenfinches and chaffinches. A couple of years ago, the collared doves were decimated by the same disease. The disease is caused by a tiny parasite. The birds' throats swell up so they can't swallow, and they die of starvation. By not feeding them (following the RSPB's advice), I hoped they'd disperse and be less likely to infect one another.

Now they're back and, so far, looking healthy. Hope it stays that way. The feeders have been busy today with finches, sparrows (which are in decline and fewer in number than the greenfinches), blue tits and great tits, and the goldfinches have been at the niger seeds. I could hear some long-tailed tits when I went outside, but couldn't see them. They're partial to the fat balls, and so are the tits, robins, sparrows and starlings. I get coal tits too, mostly in the front garden.

Pheasants and wood pigeons have been mooching around under the feeders, picking up all the stuff the other birds have dropped.

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