Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman


After I commented on jkj10's wonderful photo on Wednesday she mentioned that she'd like to see a photo of me as I'd mentioned I had similar hair to the chap in her photo.

As a) I don't like photos of me and b) my hair's in a somewhat random, untidy mood today, here's just a bit of me.

I've partly done it as an experiment with soft focus and layers so that the focus is hopefully on my hair, not my face. I'm not entirely happy with the angle, but it's so hard to hold the camera at arm's length, look at the live view image reflected in a mirror and take the photo...

Ooh and on a tangent, please welcome my friend H2 who also bought her first DSLR (Nik) earlier this year and joined blip earlier this week.

And on another tangent, there is a ripple of excitement in the office today as my friend H1 has managed to secure tickets to go and see Take That next summer. She's very happy.

Oh and I've been reunited with my lobster fridge magnet. The Canadian brought a selection of truly eye-catching fridge magnets with him onto the NB Haversham and I selected the wibbly-wobbly lobster. however I then accidentally left it behind when H1 and I were hastily ejected from t'boat on Sunday. It will, no doubt make an appearance on here at some point.

Ps: any regular viewers who may be worried that I've come over all colourful recently - be reassured as when I popped out for a sandwich earlier, I spotted a wonderful bit of grim that I will be blipping next week :-)

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