
By Pix

Peel Bay by accident

A dreadful day weather-wise today, which kept me inside and lots of work got done. Until, that is, my computer went off. Fears of powercut were dispelled when I realised the meter had run out (it's a long tenant-debt-related story). So I had to go out and buy some more leccy and popped down to the beach to take some pix.

It was high tide and there was a big tanker in the harbour so I was taking pictures of that and the castle when I was surprised by a wave. I jumped up and turned around in order to avoid getting wet feet and then saw this ^ picture which I much prefer. I like the composition with the lines curving around, and the various greens yellows and oranges on the wall and beach, but it was a complete accident!

Rain and high winds today kept the roofers away, and there is water trickling into the attic :(

Edit: often i forget to talk about stuff I did the previous day after I blipped, which I guess must make it look like I never do anything in the evenings. Well I don;t much, but last night I went to the local photographic society. They had an important man in (not sure who really) to judge their latest photo competition. It was really interesting for me as a completely untrained instinctive photographer to see that I agreed with most of his critiques and he seemed to be vocalising stuff that I just do as a matter of course with really being conscious of it. So, that was nice :) I was so impressed that tonight I am going to a similar event, this time an inter-club competition for all the clubs on the Island.

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