Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Unmade Bed

A bit stuck for a blip to describe today's activities, which have largely been "paperwork at my desk" sorts of things!

So, here's today's NON-ACTIVITY! It's definitely tea-time and I still haven't made the bed! Oops!

Well, if an unmade bed is good enough for Tracey Emin it's good enough for me! I've even done it in sepia in an attempt to be a bit more "arty"!!!

In a minute I shall go and make the bed - I don't usually leave it unmade this late - and sort out the piles of washing that are stacking up.

Been quite a productive day today though, lots of paperwork stuff done. More to do, and the plan is to get everything shipshape by November 1st! My target is to start the REAL WORK that day!

That real work includes return to serious study of maths. I have, today, registered for next year's courses - I'm repeating the Pure course I had to drop half way through when I got ill last year and also doing a course in Complex Analysis!

Tonight, however, I'm going to try to sort the house out with the "help" of five cats! The Wonderspouse is doing a reading thing standing on a bit of artwork and will be home late, so it's just the 6 of us at home this evening!

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