She's Mobile....

And fast....!!! Watch your ankles!
When first brought, I screamed,
I didn't like this strange object,
mummy & daddy sensibly hid it in the cupboard,
today it got brought back out,
It was on the floor, I looked at it,
I poked it, I pushed it round the floor,
it wasn't too bad, It past the lick test,
but not the teether test...yucky,
Eventually daddy sat me on it....
Hmmm now really thinking about it,
I could get used to this,
I can chase mummy & daddy,
I can chase piper in her ball,
I can use it as a climbing step,
yep, I think it can stay out of the cupboard now!
small Video, password ocean

(ps yes I had uploaded another blip, then deleted it, this one is so cute!)

PS the year ago, is one of my absolute favourites of fernie as a baby!

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