In Tru Life

By TruLife

Yes these are eyelashes you can tug on!

I am feeling a lot better today than yesterday, but not fully recovered. I hate being ill! I just can't get anything done, and I like to get things done... which is probably why I'm constantly frustrated with myself!

Floriana has taken to trying desperately to grab and pull out your eyelashes if she spots them and with the mascara I wear, that's every day! I say no and turn away but today she discovered a much more willing victim... a giggling dolly we discovered when clearing out the bedrooms! Well what do you know, this little girl loves dollies!

We are really enjoying our new bedroom and it's lovely to have a place to call our own again. Since baby came a long we felt in limbo with our room, as we haven't got many places to chill out any more, being in a flat! Now we do and t's fab! Tomorrow is the day we decorate the girls' room! Wish us luck as it's a big room and we also have an Ikea shelf unit to build, and a loft bed to build when it arrives in a few days!

Rest assured I'll blip the new kids' room when it's done!

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