Purrfect Timing

By Boozo

I Was There!

A shot straight out of a magazine? ... No, a shot snapped and left just as it was taken so it could be shared in all it's unadulterated glory.

Best of all, I was there, right time, right place, so right it was almost a sin to use this precious time to see it through a lense. There is a special feeling about this time of day on your holiday, your skin is comfortably cool, but not cold, gently tingling from the days sun and maybe a little soggy from that last swim that hasn't quite dried. What breeze there was has relaxed allowing the sea to calm, only to be disturbed by the returning day trip boats and the local fishermen going out for the night. In Kalkan, where this is taken, you also have the background chant from the local mosque for a short while. It bounces it's way down the bay offering as many different echoes as there are different lights lighting the dusk.

I can still feel it so well, I wish I was still there now!

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