Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife


That would be blip number 200 :) Seems like the second 100 went a lot quicker than the first or maybe I am just more into the swing of things in blipland.

Spent the day helping J get ready for halloween. He wants to be a Zombie. This involved Mr Life in Fife spending the morning making paper mache without the aid of glue (this was never going to work) and then fashioning the resultant gloop into a face and an arm. That was easy....we then had the problem of how to dry them! The oven has been on cooking said head and arm for the last 4 hours!! The head is now out and decorated. Here's hoping another 24 hours will see it dry!

We also did the pumpkins, one for blip and one for J. Pumpkin soup has also been made and the seeds roasted. Nothing went to waste.

Have to say that I am really enjoying this blip mularkey. I enjoy the challenge and I love seeing everyone else's pictures. Thank you to all of you who have commented on my stuff over the past few months. I get a warm fuzzy glow from it which encourages me to go for the next one! So much so that me and him indoors are plotting on buying a "proper" camera for Christmas - any suggestions on what would be best for an enthusiastic amateur would be appreaciated :)

Time for wine and Strictly I think :) Have a great Saturday

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