Day by day

By LizzieBeattie

Extracting Bamboo

Well, I warned myself!

Against my own advice, I planted this bamboo, Fargesia Mureliae, without its pot. It was 'clump forming'. I wanted a clump of bamboo and that was OK. To tell the truth it is lovely, waving about in the breeze and just the right height at @ 6/7ft tall. It was when it started to drown all the other plants around it that I decided to take action.

However, what I didn't know was that bamboo roots, whilst they grow horizontally and are therefore not too deep, grow in a criss-cross fashion making it really difficult to find all the roots to disentangle them. Hence the assorted tools including saw and secateurs. I spent ages in the garden and hardly made any headway at all. It's getting worse as I get closer to the centre.

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