twa craws feet

By donald

Actually.... blip was going to be of Tins
photographing young men on the beach.

But she got there first ( Tins blip today )

(Without Tins herself being in the photograph).

I don't think this is the reason we got divorced in 1986.

(or, as Tins says, 1991)

She didn't take photographs then.

Must have been for another reason ( the divorce).

So here is a crow from this simultaneous 2010 beach....

And thank you all for your responses to my blip of the firey JCB.

Years ago the Iranian/British winner of the World Las Vegas Poker Championships,
(I really wish I knew his name, because I treasure now so much what he said then
but didn't realise at the time I would, so if you know it please tell me)
was asked whether he had won through either skill or luck.

He said: "Without skill don't get very far.
Without luck you don't get anywhere at all."

Hurrah for us all bashing on with some skill, and maybe even luck, on our side....

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