The Corner of Your Heart

By LifeInEveryWord

Thanksgiving Organization

This is my mother's form of organizing
She put a post it on every single bowl, dish, spook, and fork identifying its use.
...Wow...just wow.
Anyway, Thanksgiving was fine.
We had it with the neighbors who I am not a huge fan of but that's alright
It's over now.

This thanksgiving I'm thankful for the friends who have really stuck by me
Adam and Eric

I know that Adam reads this sometimes.
And he knows that I adore him
I just wish that I saw him more
I'm not quite sure he knows exactly how much he means to me
Well, he means a whole lot. Let's just leave it at that.
Thanks for saving me hun!

As for Eric, he is always there in spirit
Always someone to talk to who isn't wrapped up in all of this drama
But he's home this weekend, and I wish I could see him
I wish that he would call me back
I miss him
Even though I'm pretty sure he doesn't miss me

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