The Offering

Glad to say Poppy is well on the way to recovery.. Thank you all for your comments and positive vibes sent through cyberspace...

I never had an imaginary friend but my mother assures me that I used to 'see people' in the 'Sixth Sense' kind of way.. Apparently as a toddler I would tell my mother that people were in the room with us when they plainly were not.. I have a vague unsure recollection of this..
Now the reason I'm bringing all this hocus-pocus to the table is that in the last few weeks I've occasionally seen what appears like Poppy communicating with someone/thing my eyes don't detect...

In this Ttv shot through the trusty Kiev 60 she and I were alone together in the room. It looks like she is making eyecontact with some body and offering her wooden teddy bear head to her imaginary and invisible friend..

So any thoughts? Do imaginary friends, spirits, whatever you want to call them exist or is a load of old baloney...?

Just got to pop Poppy in her Cot and then I may get a snifter of some booze or other...

Have a suitably decadent weekend all..

dumb blonde

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