Fright Night in Sheffield
Well, I was supposed to join the samba band to dance at the fright night event in Sheffield city centre tonight. I couldn't decide what to wear, and missed the face painting, so I couldn't dance. Totally shot myself in the foot there. Anyway, there were lots of people who had made the effort and I snapped a few. These two were stunning, and I ran ahead of them to catch them, but it wasn't right, in the heat of the moment I asked them if I could get them together, and they were very happy, in a vampire sorta way, to have their picture taken. They are my first strangers.
Also went to sandall beat with DD today, running through the woods was a special birthday treat, she has a bad hip at the mo, so only managed to walk one of the training courses set out for us. The we picked some chestnuts. Ill be making chestnut bread in the next few days.
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