We're at the San Pedro House* near Sierra Vista in Arizona. We've driven south some 80 miles from Tucson, and it's near sunset, at a feeder.
This bird appeared briefly, in shadows. It's a Pyrrhuloxia (Cardinalis sinuatus), closely related to the Northern Cardinal, but it's much less widespread, found near the U.S. border in the southwest and in Mexico.
*San Pedro House is in the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area in southeastern Arizona, along the San Pedro River, which flows north to south and eventually joins the Rio Grande. It's a wonderful area for birding, although we're not here at an ideal time--spring and fall migrations can be wonderful.
Personal note: I'm watching the fourth game of the baseball World Series, and the San Francisco Giants have just taken a 4-0 lead in the 8th inning. I'm happy, since I'm rooting for them.
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