
Our gate guard, Fanie, phoned me this morning.,very excited about a 'Ring around the Sun'.

I grabbed my camera and ran downstairs to this spectacular sight! It is the first time ever I've seen a rainbow right around the sun and then a reflection of it to the left! I thought it was vérrrry extraordinary, but our Planetarium lady says it is not so strange at all, it is caused by ice crystals in the atmosphere. Well, I think it is extraordinary, a first for me, and I've been around this earth for 63 years!! Hehehehe!

So sorry I don't have all sorts of special lenses to snap it, but I did best I could to bring it to you! I was hiding behind the roof and snapped a piece of it, as big I could, without looking straight into the sun!

Look at this one as well, Ina had a plan! I did not think about a teaspoon, and the pics I took with C's sunshades covering my lens doesn't really give the colours so naturally!!

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