
By cthangsing

A Day of Prayer

The 1st of November each year is designated as the Kut Day, celebrated in the North Eastern State of Manipur in India. 'Kut' literally means a 'Festival' where the Kuki Chin Mizo group comes together to celebrate the autumn and the harvest. This days is a day to rejoice enjoy life enjoy the company of friends and family and thank God for his choicest blessings and the fruits of labor.

There will be dancing, merriment, jumping over the Mithun, the night will be filled with songs and performances, the Miss Kut contest will be most enjoyed by all.

Therefore, I decided the best way to end this day of joy, mirth and happiness is by thanking God for it! ... And for the many Kuts to come in the future.

Praise God ! Lilililii Hawwwwww!!!!!!!

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