.no name

By no_one

1899: reality shift

larger cup

Condensed milk....

Born in Utah and lived there till I was 12.

Moved to Southern California

Graduated from High School, went to college for a year.
Joined the Army to go to Europe and was stationed in Frankfurt, Germany.
While in Germany I received orders to go to Vietnam.
Vietnam 1966 to 1967.

In Vietnam I realized I could not believe all that I read. There was an action in Saigon that I was aware of, but when I read about the same action in the Washington Post it was completely different. I knew one thing and the readers another, reality shift.

Discharges from the Army I went directly back to college.
Cal State Northridge, got involved with meditation.
Married in 1969
Had 2 sons Shepard and Sky
Transferred to California Institute of the Art , where I received a BFA.

Moved to West Los Angeles, met Ann, married Ann, my best friend and partner for 30 years.

Moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico and then quickly to Southern Oregon for intense spiritual studies with a small group of people. More serious shifts in awareness.

My mother once told me that I always asked my Sunday school teachers questions that they could not answer. Even as a young child I felt there was something more to life than what I was seeing.

Referring to the subject of a photographic image, AkkuV asks 'But are you searching for more than that?' It is not that I am searching for more, it is that I am trying to see what is beyond the surface, the depth or engrossment of seeing. Robert Irwin put it this way ?seeing is forgetting the name of what one sees?.

Taking the photograph for me is just the first step? more later.

if anyone wants to continue off Blip my email in my 'About' section. Just click on email and your email application should open up.

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