
By juanluisml

U.F.O. (Untrue Flying Object)...

Como si fuera un acto reflejo, miré al cielo. Por un momento el azul me cegó, y pude distinguir dos objetos brillantes a lo lejos. Parecía que se desplazaban a la vez, juntos, emparejados... La luz me cegó... bajé la vista, y al rato de nuevo la alcé. Seguían en el mismo sitio, como si me estuvieran observando... Cogí la cámara fotográfica y saqué esta foto... y luego, sin más, eché a correr... por si acaso!...

(As if out an act I reflect, I looked at the sky. For a moment the blue blinded me, and I could distinguish two brilliant objects in the distance. It seemed that they were moving simultaneously, together, paired... The light blinded me ... I lowered the sight, and to the while again I lifted it. They were continuing in the same place, as if they were observing me... I Caught the camera and extracted this photo ... and then, ado, I began to run ... just in case!...)

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